Tournament organizer or player?

Para organizadores

Discover the most complete program to orginize and manage your leagues and online tournaments. Save time and increase the success of your competitions.


Create your own tournament or league in just a few minutes, publish it and open online registrations. Intuitive and easy-to-use management panel.

Multiple formats

Manage any type of competition, tournament, league, mini-tournament, circuits, padel league and doubles tennis matches.

Provide a professional image.

Customize your tournaments adapting them to your corporate identity.

Try us for free

A competition pushes people past their limits, also a bad management. Save time and increase the success of your competitions in an efficent way.

For the players

Find team mates for your matches/games. Sign up for another tournaments or leagues. Play, get fun and compete.


Search for open matches near you. Find new friends to play with.


Join groups of players by zones and meet new people to organize matches.


Sign up for competitions near you and compete!

Contact us

Contact us or leave us your details and a member of Xporty will get back to you shortly.

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Responsable del tratamiento: XPORTY SOFTWARE S.L.; Finalidad del tratamiento: Gestión de las solicitudes de registro efectuadas; Legitimación: El consentimiento que usted nos otorga al completar este formulario; No se cederán datos a terceros salvo obligación legal; Usted certifica que es mayor de 14 años y posee la capacidad legal para prestar su consentimiento; Puede ejercer sus derechos ARSULIPO, así como consultar información adicional sobre protección de datos pulsando en + info