Automatic matches/games calendar

Automatically create a calendar for your leagues and mini tournaments or group stages. Create pairings using top-seeded teams. Automatically set up the time and venue for the matches according to participants' time preferences.

Create your league in 5 minutes

Automatically create a Round Robin calendar for matches/games of your championship.

Select the number of matches, single match, double match (home and away match).

Choose top-seeded players among the participants for the group stages or organize a random draw.

Configure the points awarded for wins, losses, draws and no show. Use our field editor for personalized points adwarding systems custom scoring systems.

Automatic courts and schedules

Define the availability of the courts and through online registration collects the time preferences of the participants.

Assign court/pitch preferences per category.

Set up the length for the matches and the minimum rest between matches/games. The system considers the players who simultaneously play in differents categories.

More than 30 sports: Padel, football, tennis, basketball, futsal, football 7, esports.

We make it easy for you to organize and manage your own leagues and tournaments.

Create your league or tournament for free!

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Responsable del tratamiento: XPORTY SOFTWARE S.L.; Finalidad del tratamiento: Gestión de las solicitudes de registro efectuadas; Legitimación: El consentimiento que usted nos otorga al completar este formulario; No se cederán datos a terceros salvo obligación legal; Usted certifica que es mayor de 14 años y posee la capacidad legal para prestar su consentimiento; Puede ejercer sus derechos ARSULIPO, así como consultar información adicional sobre protección de datos pulsando en + info