
Your tournaments classification and standingss will update in real time after new results are introduced. Allow to add bonus and penalties points to participants.

Easy for organizers

Easily enter the result of the matches. The qualification/table for your leagues and tournaments will be updated right away.

Add stats to the players to create rankings (e.g. top scorers, MVP of the match, least-scored goalkeeper, unforced errors, winners and more).

Participants will be able to follow standings, standingss and results from any device.

Do you want to add any bonus/penalty points to a participant? Keep reading...

Bonuses and penalties

For tournaments organizers this function is very useful. It allows to add bonuses and penalties points and those points will be reflected in the standings right away.

Do you need to order the classification/tabel for your competition/league according to other criteria? Keep reading...

Order the classification as you please

Easily select the fields to order your classification. By points, direct showdown, etc.

Do you need an adaptable scoring system for your league? Keep reading...

Custom scoring system

When you set up your leagues and tournaments You will be able to award points for a win, for a draw, for a lose and for no show. If your competition requires a specific scoring system, We have the solution for you!. By using our formula editor you will be able to stablish any scoring system in your classification/standings.

Add and delete as many columns as you need.

More than 30 sports: Padel, football, tennis, basketball, futsal, football 7, esports.

We make it easy for you to organize and manage your own leagues and tournaments.

Create your league or tournament for free!

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