Online registrations

Increase the number of participants in your competitions by making the registration easier.

Easy registrations management

Easily manage the registrations for your competition. Import participants from other championships or from Excel. Create registration forms adapted to you.

Manage the different payment options (transfer, by hand, online).

Participants can easily register from your competition website and app.

Registration form

We make it easy for you to compile data about players and teams. We give you a big amount of fields to add to your registration form.

Multiple registration modalities: Single, doubles and teams.

For doubles tournaments where some players don't have a team mate you will be able to set a registration for the players list

Do you need to add custom fields? Keep reading...

Custom fields

Besides our standard fields you can also add your own customized fields to gather the information that you need from participants.

You can even store participants' time preferences!.

Time preferences

Xpoerty automatically generates our tournament or league calendar depending on participants time preferences.

Create tournaments with Xporty is very simple, and it will help you to save a lot of time.

More than 30 sports: Padel, football, tennis, basketball, futsal, football 7, esports.

We make it easy for you to organize and manage your own leagues and tournaments.

Create your league or tournament for free!

Contact us

Contact us or leave us your details and a member of Xporty will get back to you shortly.

I've read and agree with the Conditions of use and policy and cookies privacy.

Responsable del tratamiento: XPORTY SOFTWARE S.L.; Finalidad del tratamiento: Gestión de las solicitudes de registro efectuadas; Legitimación: El consentimiento que usted nos otorga al completar este formulario; No se cederán datos a terceros salvo obligación legal; Usted certifica que es mayor de 14 años y posee la capacidad legal para prestar su consentimiento; Puede ejercer sus derechos ARSULIPO, así como consultar información adicional sobre protección de datos pulsando en + info