Management system for tournaments, leagues and competitions

A proper oganized competition, is the key for success.

Open a free account and create your first competition.
Responsable del tratamiento: XPORTY SOFTWARE S.L.; Finalidad del tratamiento: Gestión de las solicitudes de registro efectuadas; Legitimación: El consentimiento que usted nos otorga al completar este formulario; No se cederán datos a terceros salvo obligación legal; Usted certifica que es mayor de 14 años y posee la capacidad legal para prestar su consentimiento; Puede ejercer sus derechos ARSULIPO, así como consultar información adicional sobre protección de datos pulsando en + info
(*) You will be assigned a 7-day trial plan with all the functionalities, after 7 days the competition will go to a free plan.

What is Xporty?

Xporty is a manage software for tournaments, leagues and competitions that allows you to organize saving time and creating in a easy and flexible way a unique experience.

Our tournament creator system provides you with the most useful tools to organize all kind of tournaments creating a totally unique and costumized experience.

Earnings for the Organizer

The amount of registrations increased

Make the registration easier for participants in the tournament webpage.

Save time

Forget to arrange schedules or create classifications in Excel or a paper sheet. Generate pairings and classifications automatically.

Pro image

Web page and mobil app easy to adapt to your corporative identity and your needs.

Better communication

You will be able to create a fluid communication with the participants and keep them informed in a eassy and quick way.

Earnings for partitipants.

Tournament organizers are not the only ones with benefits around here. Participants in a tournament created on Xporty will also have benefits to make their experiences better.

Better costumer experience. Thanks to our website and mobile app, participants will have the most unique and customized experience.

Fluent communication. Players will be able to access the tournament information, check anything at any moment and receive notifications.

Try us for free

A competition pushes people past their limits, also a bad management. Save time and increase the success of your competitions in an efficent way.


Multiple funcionalities for any type of competition.
Leagues and tournaments organizer system for more than 30 sports: padel, football, tennis, basketball, futsal, football 7, eSports...

Courts/fields management

Define the time availability of courts/fields to automatic create brackets with schedules and courts. Check at any time to see wether a court/field is available.


You can assign referees to matches/games so they can load the results and stats of the matches/games that they referee.

Players list

Allow making single registrations to a player list and afterwards create doubles teams or automatically generate them ramndonly or depending of their time preferences.


Penalties management. Set up fines and bans for the players or participants.


You can create a competition suitable for everybody or set it up as private so only friends or selected participants can see it.


Print out standingss, matches/games calendar, calendar by court/pitch or game order and hang them on the noticeboard of your club or just have them at hand.

Web and mobile App

Competition website and free Xporty app. Players will have easy access to all the information on the competition, registration and match schedules or results. You can also hire a personalized website and mobile application .


Provide a privileged space to your sponsors so their brand will have better visibility in your tournament.

Results management

You can activate the option which allows participants to enter their match/game results, with validation option from the opponents.


If you need more people to manage your tournament, you can add results managers or administrators to manage that process.

Our clients

"Realizamos torneos de gran envergadura, y lo que más me gustaría destacar es la atención tan personalizada que ofrecen, en cualquier momento y con una eficacia fuera de lo común. Esto nos ha permitido amoldar la aplicación a nuestro gusto, resolviendo problemas sobre la marcha y resultando una herramienta imprescindible para la organización de los torneos y ligas que llevamos a cabo a lo largo del año. Altamente recomendable."

Manuel López, director técnico ASOBAP

"El mejor software de gestion de torneos con diferencia: ágil, flexible e intuitivo."

Jordi Serra, Circuito GuinotPrunera

"La plataforma de gestión de torneos más flexible y completa que he visto nunca. La atención al cliente impecable. Muy contento con el cambio. La recomiendo a todos."

Marc Carballeira, director Força Miquel

Contact us

Contact us or leave us your details and a member of Xporty will get back to you shortly.

I've read and agree with the Conditions of use and policy and cookies privacy.

Responsable del tratamiento: XPORTY SOFTWARE S.L.; Finalidad del tratamiento: Gestión de las solicitudes de registro efectuadas; Legitimación: El consentimiento que usted nos otorga al completar este formulario; No se cederán datos a terceros salvo obligación legal; Usted certifica que es mayor de 14 años y posee la capacidad legal para prestar su consentimiento; Puede ejercer sus derechos ARSULIPO, así como consultar información adicional sobre protección de datos pulsando en + info