Create pickleball tournaments and leagues

Forget about using Excel and use the best program to create pickleball tournaments, leagues, and circuits. Multiple competition formats, leagues, groups + playoffs, leveled rankings with promotions and demotions, team leagues, and knockouts. Website and application. Personalized support.


Set up online registrations to make the registration easier and inrease the number of participants that sign up for your tournaments or games/matches.

Select our predefined or customized fieds and create your own registration forms.

Multiple online payment methods: Stripe, Virtual POS, Mercado Pago, Flow, etc.

Easy management of players and doubles teams thanks to our registered panel.

Matches/games calendar

Create with a click calendars for matches/games and fixtures.

Allow to doubles teams to enter their own results.

Should the players organize themselves to play their matches? Enable the match planner for players to make date proposals.

Fluid communication between players through game chat and WhatsApp.


Automatic updates for classification/standingss in leagues and small tournaments.

Allow adding bonuses and penalties points to the patrticipants.

Custom scoring systems. You will be able to give points by result, sets won, sets lost, etc.

Impression in PDF.

Track management and automatic scheduling assignment

Define the availability of courts for the competition.

Assigns time and court automatically to matches according to court availability and player preferences.

Courts Calculator. It guides you on the number of courts you need based on the number of registrants and competition format.

Match distribution panel on courts.

Knockout brackets

Knockout brackets. Players automatically get through to the next round or consolation round as results are added.

Consolation bracket and match/game for the 3th/4th position.

Impression of brackets in PDF.

Web and mobile App

Players will be able to follow the competition from the Xporty website and mobile application.

Notifications of results, date changes, messages, etc.

Available for iOS and Android.

Do you need a personalized website and mobile application with your domain, logo and image? Find out here .

More than 30 sports: Padel, football, tennis, basketball, futsal, football 7, esports.

We make it easy for you to organize and manage your own leagues and tournaments.

Create your league or tournament for free!

Contact us

Contact us or leave us your details and a member of Xporty will get back to you shortly.

I've read and agree with the Conditions of use and policy and cookies privacy.

Responsable del tratamiento: XPORTY SOFTWARE S.L.; Finalidad del tratamiento: Gestión de las solicitudes de registro efectuadas; Legitimación: El consentimiento que usted nos otorga al completar este formulario; No se cederán datos a terceros salvo obligación legal; Usted certifica que es mayor de 14 años y posee la capacidad legal para prestar su consentimiento; Puede ejercer sus derechos ARSULIPO, así como consultar información adicional sobre protección de datos pulsando en + info